Friday, August 31, 2012

Tomato Plants

I've been keeping a close eye on my tomato plants and eagerly waiting for the first tomatoes to show up.  Unfortunately, I haven't had a great deal of luck with them this year.

I only planted three plants and it was late in the season when I did finally get them planted. After planting them they did begin to grow quite fast, however, they were very slow in developing blossoms.   When the blossoms did show up they just didn't go anywhere, or else they just fell off!

They look like healthy tomato plants, don't they?

Finally a few tomatoes began to show up, though only on two of the plants. The third plant has not had any tomatoes yet!  Yesterday when I went out to water I finally got to pick some tomatoes!

Yes they are very small and there are only four, probably not enough for salsa!  But I'll enjoy them anyway!  I did spot this one about ready to be picked as you can see in the picture below.  I'll give it another day or two.

And there are a few more green, and still growing, tomatoes, but that's about it.  I don't think I'm going to have very many fresh homegrown tomatoes this year!

I did go on the internet and researched my sluggish crop problem.  According to what I could find out, hot, humid weather tends to cause the tomato blossoms to turn yellow and fall off.  Guess that explains it because we have certainly had plenty of hot, humid weather!


john415 said...

Hi Jan, wow you have been busy with the blog... I was three items behind.... My tomatoes haven't been so good either... I had a disaster the other day, one of the sticks broke and the tomato fell over and knocked another one over as well as a pepper... Oh well... Can't win them all...

Well, I had better go see what Barbara is up to - it's getting to be very time consuming now... Talk to you soon, love you XXXj

Anonymous said...


Janis said...

Well it doesn't give me a place to reply to your comments, but as long as it works better this way, I'll take it!