Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Cover Up

I've been in a sewing mood lately and have been busy working on another "wonky" quilt.  I finished sewing the top earlier this evening and now I'm ready to make the back and then begin quilting.  Yay! I'll post pictures when I'm done!

I didn't want to start on the backing this evening because I was kinda tired of working on that project. Instead I had another project in mind that I have been thinking about making. I knew it would be quick and easy, so thought it would be just the thing for a temporary change of pace.

When I first got my sewing machine (probably at least 10 -12 years ago), it came with a soft plastic cover, with a pocket to hold the instruction booklet and the detachable cord.  I had intended to eventually replace that cover with something different, I thought maybe even one of those hard plastic sewing cases.  Well I never did get around to it, and after all these years that plastic cover has gotten pretty sad looking.

I've been thinking for awhile that I would like to make a new cover to replace that plastic, however, I had no pattern, just some ideas of what could work to put one together.  So I pulled out my stash of materials and found some I liked, and began to work on my idea.

Sure enough, it didn't take very long, and I thought it came out pretty well.

I added an extra long pocket and sectioned it off so that I can put some extras in if needed.

And here is a view of the back.

It should do a good job of keeping my machine clean and dust-free, don't you think?

And for comparison, here's a picture of the old cover.

About time, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

john415 said...

Jan that cover looks beautiful... I guess they all ought to come like that... Well done Jan... I wouldn't be surprised if you don't start getting orders.... Love you XXXJ