Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hot Weather, Hot Soup

Even though it's summer weather, a few nights ago I decided to make some soup for dinner. I usually like a hot bowl of soup in cold, rainy, winter weather so I don't know why it appealed to me now, but it just did.  So I decided to make some minestrone soup.  I also decided to make some homemade rolls to go with it.

I knew it would be a large pot of soup because, for some reason, I don't know how to make a little pot of soup!  So I decided to share, and invited Marion & family over for dinner.

I have to confess that I have only made minestrone soup one other time and I don't even remember how that went.  This time I really didn't follow any particular recipe for the soup either, but just went online and looked up the general idea of what goes into it.  By the time it was finished cooking it looked pretty good!  Full of carrots, celery, onion, green beans, squash and tomatoes.

The rolls looked pretty tasty also, and I did follow a recipe for them!  Here they are all ready to go into the oven.

And ready to eat.  Just pull off a roll and add butter!

The whole meal, ready to go.  It looks good doesn't it?

Everything turned out very tasty and we all enjoyed dinner.  As an added bonus, There were plenty of leftovers for everyone to have lunch the next day.

A nice meal and a nice time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was incredibly delious bff