Sunday, August 19, 2012

Porch Decoration

Well we've had no more of the promised rains, but we still have the hot, humid weather hanging around.  I guess we'll just have to be satisfied that we at least had one day of rain.

Tonight when I walked out on my porch I found this little guy sitting on the wall.

He kinda worried me for a minute because he took off and headed straight for me!  I thought he was going to land right on my arm.  I think he's pretty, and interesting to look at, but I really wouldn't like him crawling on me!  Luckily he changed direction and landed on the other side of the porch, where I captured this picture.

Interesting, isn't he?  Is he a preying mantis, or is it praying mantis?  Or?  Guess I don't know much about bugs, or is it insects?

1 comment:

john415 said...

Hi Jan, can't help you there, we don't have those sort of bugs over here (thankfully perhaps).... Ok on the one days rain, come over here for the Bank holiday this weekend and it's forecasted to be heavy rain and wind.... Boy nothing changes with the holidays eh?
Talk to you soon... Love you XXXj