Monday, January 14, 2013

A New Sewing Machine

It's still very cold here and I have been trying to stay home and not go out in the cold, windy weather.  I am much better now, but still trying to get over the flu.  I do still have a scratchy, sore throat and a bit of a cough, but mostly, the flu is gone.  I'm so glad!

While I've been home I have been working on a few sewing projects.  I had mentioned to granddaughter Marissa that I was making some Raggedy Ann doll clothes for her cousin Tara, so of course Marissa wanted some extra clothes for her Raggedy Ann!  Working on several cute outfits for the dolls has been keeping me busy.

I also want to begin a throw quilt for myself.  With all of this cold weather I like to sit and read, bundled up in a nice warm blankie!  I've made lots of quilts and throws for many people but I haven't made one for myself, so I'm going to get busy with that.  I haven't decided for sure yet, but I'll probably make it another wonky quilt and dip into my many boxes of material to make it.

I can't wait to get started on the quilt because I'm anxious to try quilting it with my new sewing machine!  It is specifically a quilting machine and has an extra wide arm space for putting the quilts through. I've been really happy with the sewing machine that I've had for the past ten years or so, and really didn't think I would be getting a new machine anytime soon.

It just happened that I was in JoAnn's waiting for some material to be cut and standing by the Viking sewing center and looking at the quilting machines they had with the nice long arms!  When I left I told the hubby that those machines sure would be nice for all the quilting I do, but I didn't even look at the prices because I would be afraid to know....  my other machine is a Viking also, and I know how much it originally cost all those years ago!

So about a week or two later, while back in JoAnn's waiting for more material to be cut, there at the Viking sewing center sat one of those quilting machines, reduced to half of its original price!  I asked the sales lady about the price reduction and she told me a newer model was being introduced so they were selling out the older model.

It was still a steep price, and I debated for awhile; Went online and looked up the reviews on it, and even went back to the store and sat down and tried the machine out.  Finally the hubby said "you need to have it because you do a lot of quilting and it would be a good machine for you."

So I bought the new machine, and so far, I really just love it!


john415 said...

Wow Jan, I looked at the blog and there are so many entries I had missed - you have been busy...

Regarding the sewing machine, that extra width is useful for other types of sewing at times... You also know what they say - you only get what you pay for - Enjoy it Jan - you can't take money with you..

That Southern cooking looked good - Mmmm I love food - I wish I lived next door to you... It has got really cold here at the moment - we had snow from Russia and it's getting colder by the day... I am going to get a hot pot going this week - so yes you do cook to the weather...

Anyway, keep warm and safe and the snow off your doorstep - take care, love you XXXj

john415 said...

By the way Jan I forgot to say I hope you are getting over that Flu ok now... Take care XXXj