Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rummage Sale Find

Twice a year my church has a huge rummage sale.  They have everything from clothes to glassware, furniture to books, and much more.  The sale lasts from Friday morning to late Saturday afternoon and is always a big success.

It takes lots of people (all volunteers) working lots of hours to put the sale together.  Not only do they get everything sorted, set-up, and priced right before the sales, they also work all year long gathering and sorting out all of the donations received.  It's a really big undertaking!  The proceeds from the sale fill several different needs, with much of it being given to our church Crisis Ministry, where it's used to buy food that's given out daily to those in need.

The spring rummage sale this year begins this Friday, and the rummage volunteers have been working steadily for several weeks now.  I know several of the volunteers, and so it happened a few weeks ago that one of them mentioned to me that they had received a sewing machine in their donations.  They had tested it and knew that it did work.

Well I have been contemplating getting another sewing machine.  I know, I have two already!  But, since I have two granddaughters near me who have been learning to sew, and they both want to sew at the same time, (and I'm not ready to let them work with my new machine!), I had been thinking that an extra sewing machine would be nice.  I could set them both up to work on their projects together.

So I made arrangements to take a look at the machine.  It turned out to be a Singer, and they only wanted $20 for it!  It didn't have a lot of fancy stitches, or a case, but it was in good shape and wasn't that old (about 1992). Perfect for beginners!  It seemed like a really good deal to me, so I took it!

When I got it home I hooked it up and took a test drive.  It runs great!  The stitching is really nice and it's lightweight and quiet.  The only thing it needed was a disc to hold the thread in place on the spool.  I found one online for $4 and ordered it!

The girls haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but I'm hoping to have them over soon to see what they think.  Marissa has been telling me she wants to make some doll clothes for her Raggedy Ann doll!

It pays to shop early at them rummage sales!


marion said...

glad you got it

john415 said...

That sounded like a bargain Jan - It will do the girls very well... As you say, it saves your best machine for your use...

We have seen about the Californian wildfires on the news over here...Have the wildfires affected you at all? Is it further south than where you are?... I hope it doesn't affect you at all, crossed fingers... XXXj