Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pizza Party

Well I haven't gotten anything more done on the quilt I am making so I still don't have any pictures of it yet, but I do have a couple of other pictures to post.

While I was busy cleaning house today I was thinking about a specific quilt that I want to make, which got me thinking of pizza.  Yes, there is a connection!  Anyway, I decided that pizza sounded good for dinner.  I didn't want pizza from a store, or a pizza place. I don't really like that kind of pizza, I wanted some homemade pizza.

So I found a bread recipe that would work and got the dough rising while I finished up my cleaning.  When the dough was ready I got busy making the pizza.  This is where the pictures come in!

Pizza dough ready for the toppings.

Ingredients waiting to go on the pizza

All topped and ready to go into the oven.

And just after I put it into the oven company arrived.  Bff Marion, our friend Evelyn :), and Marion's men all stopped in to visit.  Luckily I had enough dough and ingredients to make more pizza's.  We ended up having an impromptu pizza party!

There was also enough dough left over for me to make some nice warm cinnamon rolls for dessert!  We had a fun time.

Now I know you wanted to see how good the pizza looked when it was all done.... Sorry, we all got so busy eating and visiting that I completely forgot to take pictures of the finished product... nor did I get any of the yummy cinnamon rolls!


marion said...

absolutely the best pizza ive ever eaten, sorry, we arived told you we just ate and were staying 10 min...oh well, you should have known there wasnt a word of truth in it.
3 hrs later and 2 large pizzas down along with a pan of cinnamon rolls and a six pack of ginger ale...we did finally leave.
not the greatest guests in the world, but very appreciative.
love your cute tea towel apron. bff

john415 said...

Hi Jan, wow, that pizza looks good enough to eat... I can see why Marion didn't leave too soon... What was the "along with cinnamon rolls and ginger beer" I was ashamed of you all eating that lot - you wouldn't get me eating any of that at all, well ok then I tell lies ha ha... You have just made me very hungry.... XXXj