Friday, April 12, 2013

A Lot Of Little Busy-ness

I've been busy, but not really with anything specific.  Just a lot of little things to do.

I've started on a quilt and it's getting close to being all pieced together, but I haven't taken any pictures of it yet.  I'm actually making it for the spare bedroom.  I usually give my quilts away, so I'm kinda excited to be making one that I will actually be keeping and using!  I'll take some pictures soon and get them posted. At least as soon as I get the top all put together!

Next I have to make another raggedy ann doll for granddaughter Kayla.  She is expecting one for her birthday which is coming up soon... so I have to get busy!  I'll probably start working on it within the next week or so.

Another project that I am working on is spring planting.  It's that time of year and I have been working on getting tomatoes and other veggies planted.  It's been fairly windy recently so I haven't planted as much as I would like because I'm afraid they won't do well with all the wind.  It has died down the last couple of days though, so I'm hoping to get more planting done.

I've been doing a bit of reading lately also.  I just recently went to the library and checked out a whole stack of books!  I've been slowly working through them, just because I've been in my reading mood!

So that's about it.  Nothing specific, yet I'm staying busy.

I'll be working on pictures for the next post so you can see my sewing, and gardening progress!


john415 said...

Hi Jan, I am late with all the planting over here as it's been so cold and now wet... All my stuff for the greenhouse is on the house window shelves...
I did manage to get some potatoes, parsnips and peas in, but I'm not sure how well they will do..

I do think that you are such a busy person, I don't know how you find the time to do all the things you do.. Good luck with the raggedy doll for Kayla and also for the quilt... Love from over the pond - XXXj

Janis said...

Hello John, It does seem as though you get a lot more wet than we do here! Of course, we do live in the desert! I wish we did get more rain, at least a little bit. I guess we're never happy with what we have!
Take care.

marion said...

lets trade him places for a year ... then decide.