Tuesday, July 19, 2011


What a really busy Sunday we had.  In the morning I picked up Kayla and Marissa and took them to church.  After we got back home and ate lunch, Jason brought over his laundry and his girls, and we enjoyed a fun, busy day.

The girls spent some time playing outside together, then they decided to come in and be creative.  Katie and Kayla decided to color, and Tara and Marissa made cowboys and horses out of the legos.  Here they are, hard at work.  They didn't let the piles of laundry that were waiting to be washed, deter them!

They play so well together.  Well, most of the time anyway!

And one of the finished lego products!  They did a good job.

Meantime, Jason and I had a few projects of our own to work on.  Of course there was the laundry for Jason, and I can always find schoolwork that needs to be done.  Our main project though, involved tasty cinnamon raisin bread.

So while I got out the ingredients, Jason started putting them together.  We soon had a bowlful of rising dough.  We used half raisins and half craisins - really flavorful that way!

Later, after putting a quick dinner together, we finally pulled the fresh bread out of the oven.  It was perfect for our dessert.  It turned out really yummy!

After everything was done and we were all stuffed from the good food, it was time for everyone to head home.  It was really late and the girls were all worn out and ready for bed - and so were the parents!  

I love Sundays! 

Tomorrow is another day of cooking.  Marion bought ingredients for a big pot of soup and the two of us are going to make a big batch for freezing.  Sounds like fun to me!


john415 said...

Hi - that cooking looks good... What are craisins though Jan... I hope you had a great time with Marion... I love Sundays Jan - the thing is when you are retired they are all permanent Sundays...
Love to you all - by the way, my mouth is still watering over here!!!

Janis said...

Craisins are dried cranberries John. They are very good... and sweet. About the same size as raisins. The bread was very good. Wish you could try some!