This was a barn in Ashland Oregon that I just had to take a picture of. I don't know why I love barns, especially falling-down barns. The more of a ruin they are, the better I like them. I can't pass one up without taking a picture. We don't have any around here.. that I know about anyway. I wish we did. It looks like a perfect spot for a picnic... and for that cricket!
I'm getting a lot of tomatoes from our two plants that we have this year. They aren't very big, but still good eating. I made some salsa with them yesterday, and still I have about a dozen left in the bowl. I'm thinking a nice big salad tomorrow night for dinner!
Tiny but tasty! |
Oh, and here is a flower that was falling over out in the garden, so I had to bring it in and display it. I love gladiolus... I looked it up, the spelling is correct!
Well the cricket seems to have stopped his music for the night. Guess I'll do the same!