Saturday, July 16, 2011

Barns And Crickets

I love summers when I can leave the door open in the evening, or even sit outside.  It is so nice out, and quiet.  Well, that is, except for the very loud cricket that has been right outside our front door for about a week!  We've been enjoying his music!  He makes me feel like I'm outside in a tent, camping in the middle of nowhere.

This was a barn in Ashland Oregon that I just had to take a picture of.  I don't know why I love barns, especially falling-down barns.  The more of a ruin they are, the better I like them.  I can't pass one up without taking a picture.  We don't have any around here.. that I know about anyway.  I wish we did.  It looks like a perfect spot for a picnic... and for that cricket!

I'm getting a lot of tomatoes from our two plants that we have this year.  They aren't very big, but still good eating.  I made some salsa with them yesterday, and still I have about a dozen left in the bowl.  I'm thinking a nice big salad tomorrow night for dinner!

Tiny but tasty!
I love to just eat them right off the vine!  We also have some bell peppers that will soon be ready for picking.  I have a really good stuffed bell pepper recipe and they'll be just right for it.  Right about now I'm wishing that I had planted more of a vegetable variety!

Oh, and here is a flower that was falling over out in the garden, so I had to bring it in and display it.  I love gladiolus... I looked it up, the spelling is correct!

Well the cricket seems to have stopped his music for the night.  Guess I'll do the same!