Friday, July 15, 2011

Camera Shy

Wednesday morning while answering the phones at church I decided to go into the kitchen and get out the snack I had brought.  In the kitchen, there is a full wall of windows and I glanced that way. On the other side of the windows I could see a whole family of squirrels sitting in the grass munching away on something tasty  - I don't know what.  I just had to take a picture of them.  They must hear very well because they started scattering when I got close to the windows with my camera.  I did manage to get a couple of pictures, though.

They are kinda hard to see, but there were quite a few there.  They were scattering when I took this.

Then I noticed this little guy just kinda sitting there posing for me.  Too bad he's in the shadow!  Anyway, it was a very cute site.

So today I decided I'd better work on granddaughter Ashley's birthday.  I made her a quilted purse that only took about three hours to put together.  I found the directions for it on a fellow student's blog. (Thank you Nikki).  I am sure I'll have to make more of them as soon as the rest of the granddaughters see it!

I thought it turned out really well.  Perfect for little girls.  I wish it was as easy to find something to make for the grandsons!  So far, I haven't been able to find a pattern for transformers or hot wheels!


john415 said...

How strange with the squirrels, wonder what it was they were eating, there doesn't appear to be any trees to drop nuts or anything... Perhaps it was something the birds had dropped...

I love that cute bag I bet Ashley will be really pleased with that Jan... XXX

Janis said...

I don't know what the squirrels were eating John, but they sure were all over and had their heads down rooting through the grass.

Thanks for the compliment on the purse. I love making things for the granddaughters.... and grandsons, when I can find something they would like!