Saturday, May 28, 2011

What Are We Gonna Do About Remmy?

Friday is the day I usually spend cleaning house.  That didn't happen this time, though, as our dog Remmy changed my plans for the day.  About an hour into the morning we began to notice that Remmy was making strange snorting noises, swallowing a lot, panting heavily, and eating lots of grass.

At first we thought he just wasn't feeling too well.  He does have allergies, and a sensitive stomach, so we just watched him for awhile.  That didn't last very long though, before I knew a trip to the veterinarian's was in order.

I called, and of course the vet had no openings.  So after I explained the situation, I was told to bring him in, and they would work him in somewhere.  This, they said, could take anywhere from one-to-four hours.

After we arrived at the veterinarians I discovered that not only were they packed, they also had several emergency situations that they were dealing with.  Needless to say, Remmy and I were in for a long wait.

Waiting Patiently

The office staff worked as fast as they could to get Remmy in to see the doctor, but his emergency wasn't as critical as some of the other patients, so we waited some more.

Getting a little anxious now

After a three-hour wait Remmy was finally called in to see the doctor.  The doctor confirmed what I suspected - Remmy had somehow gotten a foxtail in his throat.  It was stuck in his tonsils and he would have to be sedated for it to be removed.

I agreed to the procedure and they took Remmy into the back, while I went to sign papers. After learning what the cost of Remmy's visit would be, I decided that I should have become a veterinarian!

Finally Remmy was ready to go home.  It ended up that he had several foxtails stuck in his tonsils, and another one stuck in his ear!

We spent the rest of the day cleaning up the yard and every trace of those foxtails!

1 comment:

john415 said...

Poor old Remmy, I know what you mean by veterinary bills, we had two dogs and they cost an absolute fortune over the years (before they both passed into the dog kennel in the sky) - you pay it and love them...... XXX