Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Little Gardening

The other day I decided to buy a few herbs to plant.  With the weather becoming so nice I guess I am finally beginning to have spring fever!  I took the girls - Kayla & Marissa - to church on Sunday, and afterwards we stopped in at Lowes.  The girls found a few flowers to plant, and I picked out some herbs.  We came home and spent time planting the flowers, then I found a few pots to plant the herbs in.

The girls spent the rest of the day with me on Sunday so their mom could have a "mom day."  Besides spending time planting, they stayed busy playing with the dogs, reading, drawing pictures and playing with some friends who were visiting across the street.

The herbs - basil, thyme, parsley, sage

I've already used a few of them in my cooking.  I really enjoy using the fresh herbs over the dried ones.  Hope I can keep these ones going - the last time I tried they didn't do very well. I'll keep trying!

Meanwhile, the tomato plants are growing and have several tomatoes on them.  I am thinking about buying a few more tomato plants.  Right now we only have two of them and I usually have at least four plants.  One can't have enough homegrown tomatoes, right?

They do seem to be a little stunted though, don't they?  

All-in-all, it was an enjoyable, productive, Sunday afternoon!


john415 said...

I hope Tara is recovering well now - give her our love....
It's nice to see the kids involved in growing things - gives them a sense of achievement..
I can taste those tomatoes now... I look forward to eating ours later in the year..
Love the blogs - keep them going Jan XXX

Janis said...

Tara is doing well. She told me her ear isn't hurting at all now. I can't wait for the tomatoes to be ready!

john415 said...

That's really great news for both.... XX