Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Quick Post

It's been a little while since I've posted.  I have had a few things going on to keep me busy, so I thought I would just post a few pictures.  Then I won't feel too guilty!

I've been working on a few Easter projects for the grandkids.  I got this idea and pattern from a blog called  Chica and Jo

I filled them with candy and a few goodies, and they were pretty easy to mail off to grandkids in Utah.  The dark one isn't black!  It just looks like it (iphone cameras aren't great).  It's actually a royal blue color.  I made them out of felt and they were pretty quick and easy.

These Easter baskets were a little more involved, and sometimes frustrating!  The pattern for them can be found at a blog called Diary of a Flutter.Kat  I do really like the way they turned out, though.

I love that there are so many blogs out there with free tutorials and ideas.

And here are a few pictures from a quick trip up to the mountains last weekend.  Again, all taken with my iphone, so not the greatest quality.  I forgot my camera!

Yes it's a pig, named Nelson!  The girls just loved him.


marion said...

i want one them pigs

john415 said...

HAPPY EASTER Jan - Love the stuff you made...

I managed to speak to Marion today... Lovely...

I have just finished the music - I will send you, Linda and Marion a copy when it's recorded (that's the hard bit, playing it without mistakes ha ha) Love you XXXj