Sunday, May 13, 2012

On Mother's Day

I talked to all of the kids today.  They all called at different times to wish me a happy mother's day.  I even had mother's day wishes from a niece!

Jennifer, Kayla and Marissa came over and cooked dinner for us.  That was nice.  The dinner was simple, and we mostly just had a quiet day, but it was enjoyable and relaxing. The girls spent time watching some shows on netflix and we played some games with them. We had fun!

It was nice to have a quiet routine Sunday, at home, without being at the hospital, and without any medical issues.....well, except for the normal after surgery soreness and tiredness, that is.

Happy Mother's Day.


Anonymous said...

happy moms day love bff

john415 said...

Hi Jan, I know we are a bit late, but we wish you a happy mothers day too.. We celebrate it here on another day...

That was a lovely photo of the sunset, we haven't had much sun this year to have any good sunsets! All good things come to those that wait though...

I hope all are doing fine over there... Take care, love you all... XXXj