Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Perfect Day

Today was cool, breezy, and felt like fall was in the air.  A really beautiful day.

This morning I took Marion in for an eye doctor appointment and afterwards we went out to a late breakfast, almost lunch.

Of course Marion couldn't see because her eyes had been dilated!  We did enjoy the time, though. We spent the time talking about the day and how perfect it was.

A good day for memories.

Happy Birthday Dad!


Anonymous said...

linda jan liz donna melissa, the lijabedonmarimisses thank you for sharing the best dad ever, with me love marion

john415 said...

The headline sounds like the beginning of a song...

Sorry it's a bit late but Happy Birthday to you and your family's Dad too Jan... He was a smart looking Guy.............

With lots of love to everyone XXX

Janis said...

Thanks John. My youngest, Jason, looks very much like him.