Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trucks And Marion, They Don't Go Well Together

Decided to meet up with Marion and Derek for lunch, then send Derek on errands and take Marion back home.  I forgot one little detail until Derek was gone and it was too late.  I was driving the truck and Marion is way too short to climb into it without a step stool.

So what did we do?  Luckily I had a couple of books in my book bag in the back seat, and a bag full of dirty towels I was bringing home to wash.  We stacked them up and as she stood on them, and I shoved from behind, (sorry Marion!) she managed to climb into the truck.  I won't mention how many people were, watching.

Reenactment! The real event was much better.

In case you were wondering, no I don't normally carry dirty laundry around in my car.  It happens that I had just come from my weekly volunteer receptionist job at the church, and my usual custom is to bring home towels from the church kitchen that need washing.

We couldn't have planned our entertainment for the day any more carefully!


john415 said...

Ha ha - We have a similar thing when people get in our two door 4WD... They usually manage to get in with a struggle, but boy do they really struggle getting out... I usually say to them "fall out gracefully".. Love this Blog Jan....

Janis said...

Thank you John. I need to try and get my posts out more often, though. The real event with Marion was much funnier than I can describe. We did get our laugh for the day!