Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Words?

Lots of bloggers post a wordless Wednesday.  So here's my contribution....  an (almost) wordless Wednesday post.

Into The City

We just recently returned from a visit with the kids, and grandkids, in Utah.  This time we took granddaughters Kayla and Marissa along.  We all had fun visiting but it was also good to get back home again.

While we were visiting we went on a couple of adventures.  One of the best was the day we took the new train (called the frontrunner) into Salt Lake City.  The train starts in Provo, and continues on up to Ogden.  It's great for commuters!

The four girls, Jason, Laura and I, caught the frontrunner in Lehi, and headed for Salt Lake City.  I caught a picture as it was pulling into the station.

The train gets moving fairly fast, at one point we were following the freeway and we were moving faster than the cars.... and they weren't going slow!  I thought we would arrive in SLC quickly, however, we stopped at every little town along the way!  We also had to stop for a short time to let the southbound train "connect on the tracks."

It ended up taking us probably 45 minutes to get into SLC, where we then had to connect to a local city train system to take us into the area we wanted to be, downtown SLC.  So it was probably at least an hour to get to where we were headed.  I admit, it would have been faster in the car, but it wouldn't have been as much fun!  And, nobody had to drive and fight the traffic!

There were plenty of people riding on the train and I saw many who were spending their time working on their computers, playing cards, reading, etc.  It was a very relaxing ride.

Here are a few pictures that I took while on the train.

Katie watching the countryside go by

Kayla and Tara look like they are in deep contemplation, don't they?

Here is one of Marissa and Tara while we were heading downtown on the city train.

They were enjoying it!  But watch out when you get on the city train!  They take off really fast and a couple of us didn't sit down in time (they don't give you much time to do that!) and went flying forward!  Poor Katie got smashed by her dad as he was trying to sit down across from her!

Well enough for tonight. I have more pictures of our train travels, and I'll get some of them posted next time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Picture Editing Tool

I just read about a free photo editing sight called pixlr.  I don't know a lot about it yet but I've been playing around with it tonight.  It's fun, easy, and I think I'm going to enjoy working with it.  I don't know if it is much like Photoshop, which I've never used, but this one looks very simple and that works for me!

One feature that I really like is labeling my pictures.  I want my pictures to be labeled so they won't be easily used by anyone else who happens to find them out in cyberspace.  I've been trying to find a way to do that, and pixlr allows me to do so.  It also has lots of other features that I haven't even begun to look into!  I'll be spending some time playing around with my pictures for sure!

In the meantime, here is an example to check out.  First is the original picture of the falling down house that I posted not too long ago.  Remember this?

And here is that same picture after I played around with it, and added the label.

I like the change.  It's sharper, crisper.

That's all for tonight.  I do have lots of pictures to post from my recent Utah visit, but they will have to wait for another night.  They'll be soon though!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mr Yi's Flowers

Last Wednesday when I went to my volunteer receptionist job at the church I was looking at the flowers that were planted in the boxes by the front entrance.  They were all blooming so nice and looking so pretty, I just had to take a couple pictures of them.  There's also a large rose garden in the side yard which I should have taken a picture of, but didn't.  I'll have to get that picture another time!

While I was taking the pictures I got to thinking about who planted them, and the roses, and spends many hours taking care of them.

The gardener who is responsible for all of the flowers is the church custodian, Mr. Yi.  Now it may not seem like such a big thing that Mr. Yi takes care of all the gardening, or keeps the property and buildings all cleaned up and working.  You might not be surprised to hear that Mr. Yi also sets up the rooms when they are needed for meetings, services, weddings, or anything else that may be happening during the course of the week.  You probably figured that's what a custodian's job is, right?  Well that is true, and Mr. Yi comes in to work every day and does all of these jobs, rain or shine.

As his name implies, Mr. Yi is Korean.  He does speak english but sometimes it's very hard to communicate with him.  No matter what the conversation though, he always calls you "ma'am" or "sir."

I'll bet you're wondering where all of this is going!  Just a little extra information about Mr. Yi the custodian / gardener.  He just happens to be 92!

I don't think the word retirement is in his vocabulary!