Friday, June 22, 2012

The Wonky Quilt

Well I finally finished the wonky log cabin quilt that I have been working on.  I thought it turned out really well.  I didn't have enough black material for the backing so I pieced in a couple of different color strips.  I like the way that turned out also.

Here are a couple of pictures of the finished product.

I took the pictures in two different light areas, so they look a little different.  The top one shows off all of the bright colors better.  The blocks are made from all scrap materials.  I just pulled out pieces of material and used them whatever color or design they were.

And here is a picture of the pieced back.

I think I'm going to start being more creative with the backs of my quilts.  I like the way they turn out, even though it takes more time.

So I've finished with this one and have plans to make two more.  I hope to get started on them soon.

Even though it's a simple design, this is definitely one of my favorite styles of quilt!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I just happened to be browsing on my computer and ran across a good website.  At least for me it's good since I spend lots of time reading mysteries.  I read all different kinds of mysteries, some silly, some serious, and some suspenseful.  The sight I found, which you can browse through here, describes one of my favorite kinds of mysteries as a "cozy mystery."  I didn't know the term before now, but it describes my favorite type of book to read.

For the "cozy mystery" readers out there (you know who you are!) this website provides all kinds of guidance to help you find the books you enjoy reading.  You can search through the site by author, category, themes, and more.  The site also provides information on new authors and new series.  It also provides lots of information on Kindle books.  The blog that goes with the website even gives you updates on promotions, like free, or very reduced, Kindle books that have either just come out or have been around for awhile so are being promoted.

All-in-all, if you want a really great place to go for reading material, this looks like the site to browse.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Tonight just a few different pictures that I have been wanting to post.  Mostly it is pictures that were taken in San Diego while we were staying down there for the surgery.  The second day after surgery the ICU discouraged visits from us, so we spent a few hours playing at the beach.

Searching for seashells

And an interesting event I ran across one day as I was leaving the hospital.  I had to get up close to take the picture, but I couldn't get too close because I didn't want to disturb it.  Can you tell what it is?

It's a turtle laying eggs!  It was quite something to see!